Saturday, 15 March 2014

My hexie quilt, continuing.

Well Christmas has been and gone.    Family have been and gone, and so I am back to work/play with my hexies.
I thought, while I am talking about my quilt, I would tell you how I am preparing the hexies for sewing.    To start with, I used the precut papers, but I quickly realised with the size of it, I would be spending lots of money on those.  I downloaded a few papers off the net, but then I had to cut them out.   I am too impatient , wanting to get to the sewing part of it.   
My daughter found some cutters, I think they are meant for scrap booking, but they work well, and so I am now cutting them out with the cutter.
             This is what it looks like.

 I cut the fabric into squares, and then use a glue pen, sewline, to glue them.   Then I put the right sides together and whip stitch.
I have tried a lot of different threads, but have settled on rasant.  They all seem to shred if they are too long.    A thimble and a nice fine needle with a good sized eye help.

Ok.  Back to the quilt.      I have stitched madly, and have done the centre.      And I love it.  But what now.?       I had it all planned with a few rows of lighter browns , a row of colored flowers ,another few rows of light brown, then fill it up to the edge of the quilt with random creams, light golds and light tans.
After making a lot of stops and starts, and lots of indecision I am at this stage.    Still not convinced it is the right decision.

I am continuing to sew.   Lots of hexies to sew together before the major decision is to be made. I have found that I have to sew them into rows, and blocks, and then leave them in place for a while, and see if they jell for me. Back to work .

Thursday, 13 March 2014

My hexie quilt.

In August 2013, I went on holidays, and took some 1/2 inch hexies for handwork.    I made about a dozen flowers but didn't have a plan for them.   When I got home, I laid them out, and thought "what am I going to do with these".    After a lot of searching on the net I found a few quilts which inspired me.     Bonnie Hunter's Christmas quilt is what I based my quilt centre on.   
I collected up my fabrics, a lot of which came from my daughter's stash of reproduction fabrics, and got started.

Here is my first photo.

Oh dear!   I had no idea how addictive they are.    Every spare moment I have, I am at it.  


The lounge room carpet hasn't seen the light of day since my quilt got too big for the table.     They have come with me to the hospital, to pass the time while waiting for an operation.   Great to do when recovering! The hairdresser's, in the car, whenever I can.  


Mostly I sew while watching the tele at night.   I nod off, needle and hexies in hand, then wake and start again.   I hope that no one is taking candid camera photos of me, with the head nodding or the mouth ajar, with the tongue pinched between the teeth.

All I can hope is that the quilt doesn't show my lapses.

It has been growing quite quickly.    I'm not mathematical at all, mostly fly by the seat of my pants, and hope it all works out.

Trying out the next round, working out how many more rows are neede to make them meet.  See what I mean about the non mathematical method I work by.

It is coming up to Christmas.  Might have a break for a while.   Oh, just measured and counted up the hexies.  At this stage, before all the triangles on the outside, the quilt measures 30" across, and has 1028 hexies. 

That's it for now.   Hope you have enjoyed my journey so far.